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Troubleshooting OSSEC HIDS: Fixing the “PostgreSQL Client Libraries Not Installed” Error

While configuring OSSEC HIDS to work with MySQL, I encountered an issue during the database setup. When running the make setdb command, I received the following error:

Error: PostgreSQL client libraries not installed.

Understanding the Issue

OSSEC’s database setup process appears to require both MySQL and PostgreSQL client libraries to be installed, even if you’re only using MySQL. This dependency can be frustrating, especially if you don’t plan to use PostgreSQL at all.

Quick Fix: Installing PostgreSQL Libraries

The simplest way to resolve this issue is to install the PostgreSQL client libraries. This can be done using the yum package manager:

# yum install postgresql

After the installation completes, try running the database setup command again:

# make setdb

This should resolve the issue and allow you to continue configuring OSSEC with MySQL.

Alternative Solution: Avoiding PostgreSQL Installation

If you prefer not to install PostgreSQL, there are alternative workarounds available. One such method is discussed in this OSSEC forum thread. The thread provides instructions on how to bypass the PostgreSQL requirement, which might be useful if you’re strictly using MySQL.

Updated on November 13, 2024
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